Monday, April 30, 2007

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sunday Good Times

I spent the day with Jamie. We went to lunch at Compadres then caught a movie, Next. After that we went to the mall and did alot of shopping for her move and the Air Force. We just got shoes left to buy. She took me to Shokudo for dinner and now we are headed home. Jamie's gonna read some Harry Potter and I'm gonna watch a show and then our respective beds for us both. Was a great day all around.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Friends and Last Times

So its all dark and fuzzy but its Melissa and Jamie. Its our last time at Detox before Jamie leaves. I have to say I support her and wish her the best but it luck and I'm gonna miss her more than anything. Its hard to tell in the picture but both of them are drop dead gorges. I know thats probably spelled wrong but the bottom line is they are both beautiful and i love them both very much.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Seconds Class Citizen

As a concerned citizen of Honolulu Hawaii i have some questions. I have been stopped twice by the police over the past year in regards to riding my bike. First in Waikiki while on a side walk. I knew the law but was riding on the sidewalk for my own safety. Second in the city of Honolulu for riding on the sidewalk not knowing the law. After being stopped in Waikiki I was told by the officer to ride on the road until I was outside of the limits of Waikiki and then I could resume riding my bike on the sidewalk. This caused the second situation to occur.

I ride on the sidewalk because I am not a motor vehicle. I ride on the sidewalk because I do not have a large amount of steel surrounding my body for protection. I ride the sidewalk because the other vehicles on the road do not consider me road worthy.

Sense the first incident I ride my bike on the road in Waikiki. During this past year I have been side-swiped by 2 city buses, 3 cab and 2 cars that apparently were not paying attention. Luckily in all cases I was not injured beyond busing. This does not count the hundreds of times that I have been cutoff by drivers passing me and making a right turn or by drivers pulling out right in front of me. I decided to lookup the laws today after being stopped for the second time. According to Hawaii Traffic Code 291C-141 to 291C-146 pertain to bikers. Specifically 291C-145(a) says:

"Every person operating a bicycle upon a roadway at a speed less than normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at such time shall ride as near to the right-hand curb, on the edge of the roadway, or the shoulder off the roadway as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction."

So I am a second class citizen with no place to go. The law literally pushing me into the cutter. The law is forcing me to be placed in harm way. So I have to ask myself why the law is the way it is. Well the only thing i can think of is that the government would like to "protect" pedestrians on the sidewalks. Well I have never buzzed by people walking. I have always given walkers the right-of-way as I have more control and speed than them. Its not the law that I have to do this, but it makes sense to me when I ride on the sidewalk. Unfortunately it is the law that I ride in the gutter and unfortunately motor vehicles do not give me the same consideration I have the pedestrians on the sidewalk.

So now my dilemma. I can either ride my bike on the sidewalk and break the law, hoping not to get caught or ride in the gutter and pray I'm not killed by a multi-tun steel encased vehicle. If I do break the law and ride on the sidewalks I can either pay the fine or not and goto court when I get caught.

So my solutions to the situation are as follows:

1) Allow bikers on the sidewalks with laws giving pedestrians the right-of-way
2) Allow bikers in the middle of the lane riding at our much slower speeds
3) Put in bike lanes everywhere on ever road

Monday, April 23, 2007

Night Stop

So I stopped over to see Jamie. I brought her the leftovers from dinner. She doesn't like to cook for just one so I thought I would use it as an excuse to say hi :-) We watched the end of Harry Potter and she was practicing her pushups. Was fun to chat a bit after the end of the movie. I called to see if I could catch Melissa on the way home for a quick hello, but she was out.

Dinner Time

Early dinner at a P.F. Chang's. Some new place at Ward. We saw a interesting movie, Perfect Stranger. If you see it you will be wrong in your assumptions about who dunn it.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Melissa's House

Jamie drums and Melissa brushes :-)


Two cute and sexy friends, what more could i want for a welcome home dinner?

I'm Home

We just landed and I'm heading off the plane. Jamie is picking of up, gotta give her a big hug, Melissa wanted to come too but had a meeting :-(. I'll get to see her later tonight at dinner, and I'll hug her too. I would say the best thing about the whole trip is coming home and going to dinner with my friends today and Monday. The week away from the people i care about definatly sucked.

Airport Time

I've got to the airport and an waiting for my plane. This is the flight going to Maui. I've got about an hour and a half before I leave. I hope the flight is as nice as the one here. I'm looking forward to tonight, going to dinner with Melissa and Jamie and on Monday I'm going to dinner with Anastasia. It will be really really really good to see them all, a week away was not fun, i missed them alot.

San Diego Week

This has been my room in San Diego for the past week. Overall things went smoothly but I really couldn't see much due to the location of the hotel and the lack of a car. I went out to dinner a few nights with some of the other students but that was about it. The class itself was interesting, I'd say it was 2% new information and the rest was enforcement of things I knew. I can't wait to get home!

Saturday, April 14, 2007


So i've landed in San Diego but the little tunnel that comes to the plane isn't working... 10 min waiting so far. I think we would all use the emergency slide if we could get off sooner :-) I've asked and it looks like a 20 min ride to the hotel from the airport. I'm missing all my friends already and it hasn't been even a day :-(


So im sitting at the airport waiting for my flight to San Diego. Im headed there for a week of training for work. I havent been mainland for a few years so it will be good to see some different sights. Its gonna be hard leaving all my friends for the week. Jamie took me to the airport, we got breakfast first which was very nice. Im gonna miss Melissa's art show from her class. I'll see them soon.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Catching Up

So on Sunday we went horseback riding for Melissa's B-Day. Jamie picked up up and we headed to lunch (pictures a few posts below) and after went up to Kualoa Ranch. We got there around 2:30 to sign in and then hung out in the shop and outside till 3:00 when our ride started.

We started out just fine, my horse was the lead followed by Jamie, Melissa and then the other people on the ride. Jamie gave me her camera so I took a few pictures of the sights and of us riding the horses. The tour guide was real nice, she took a picture of each of us on our horse. Once I get a copy of them I'll put them online. The ride was about 2 hours long and went back up in the mountains. It was quite peaceful and relaxing, the horses didn't go fast so it was just a good time out.

After the ride we went over the Melissa's place and watched a bit of TV and just relaxed the night away. It was a just a really good day overall. The next day was Monday (still weekend for me) so I did some laundry and cleans up a little. I got Tuesday and Wednesday off too for all the overtime I put in on a project at work so I have a nice relaxing week. :-) Yesterday I went shopping and stocked up of food for the next month or so and I "spring cleaned" my room. Last night Melissa and Kari invited me to the movies at the dollar theater. We saw "Because I Said So." It was a nice movie, I think we all enjoyed it.

Today I did a little on-line shopping at Walmart for some shelves, new sheets and a new rug for the bathroom. Other than that I'm just relaxing my last day off, playing a bit of an on-line game. Its a nice sunny day out too so I'm going to go riding my bike shortly.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Good Night Out :-)

Jamie, Melissa, Molly, myself and Molly's boyfriend are all at the Real Big Fish concert. Its been a long time sense I've been out! I think this is one of the better pictures of Jamie and Melissa that I have taken in awhile. Both are looking cuter than ever, well they always do. Im one of the lucky guys out there to have such good friends. Not sure what I would do here without them. Loves to them!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Drink time.

Hangin with my bestest friend =) Haven't chatted in awhile so its fun to catch up.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Day at the Museum

There was a big snail thing at the museum and i talked Tara into sitting on it :-)

Bday Dinner

Birthday dinner. Dinner was early by a few days, posting the picture was late by a few days. BTW, it looks like blogger changed the address i have to send to.

Long Time

Well its been a long time sense I posted anything. The main reason is that my cell phone isn't posting anymore. I'm going to look at why not today, I suspect that blogger changed the email address I have to send it to. The other reason has been work.

The credit union I work with had a smaller one merge with it. That basically meant I put i a few long (12+ hours) days. The good news is that it finished up this past weekend! My part in the whole process was making sure data (name, address, accounts, etc.) was all entered into our system correctly. This was not a very fun process but it worked.

As for the things I've been up to, not much really. I've had a few dinners and hung out a little with friends, but everyone is getting busy. Its longer between visits and dinners but it makes them better when they happen. I saw Melissa a few days before her Birthday (3/31) to give her some gifts I got. She seems to like them. I got her a color pack of sharpies, a sketch book and a teacher lesson planner. I was really bummed that I had to work on her birthday, but from what I heard she had fun, I'll hear about it when we have our next dinner :-)

Jamie is in California for a few more days. She is there to see about the Air Force stuff and for a bit of fun too. It's going to be hard to see her leave the island. I'm looking forward to hearing about the trip and what came out of her meeting with the Air Force people.

Anastasia and I are meeting up this afternoon for lunch and a movie. Its been a few weeks sense we last met up and thats a little to long. Not sure what we will eat or see but it will be good to hang out.

Tara was really nice. See we haven't hung out in a long time and last Monday she took me to the planetarium. It was a really nice surprise. We walked all around the Bishup Museum and saw the show. She is a really good person and fun to hang out with. Unfortunately (for me) she is leaving the island for a few years. She joined the Peace Core and heading to The Gambia.