Sunday, November 11, 2007

Fun Night Out

Last night was a lot of fun. Some of us from work got together for a little BBQ at Ku'uipo's house. We had steak, chicken, rise, chilly, salad, cookies, pie, cake and ice cream. Afterwards we hung out an talked for a bit. Some started to play the piano too, you can see Ku'uipo and Sterling in the picture playing and Chris in the background. It was a nice relaxing start to the evening. Ku'uipo and her family (all 12 including herself) are very nice.

After the BBQ some of us headed out to a club in town. Sterling, had his birthday party there. I ended up playing darts for a good part of the night with Shannon and her friend. It was a relaxing night. We all needed it too. Work has been no fun at all. its basically been lots of meeting and preparing to run through a disaster scenario on Tuesday.... We are really not ready for it. We stayed at the club till about 2AM when they closed for the night. Shannon gave me a ride back to my bike and I headed home.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

New Look

So as you can see I've been working on how things look. Most of it is done, I know that I need to fix up viewing comments still. Let me know what you think about it. As well as the new look I've been putting together the rest of my site. Not all the photos are up and not the Family page isn't done but I think its a good start.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


Halloween was a lot of fun this year. Some departments at work really went all out. There was a haunted house, a haunted hospital and a haunted pirate ship. IT didn't do much cause we were all overly busy, but I think we are planning something for Christmas.

At night Melissa, Kari and myself dressed up and walked around Waikiki. We were all dressed up as gangsters. It looks kinda cool with up all done up. After walking around for a bit we went to a club and had a few drinks. All in all I think it was a good night. I have some pictures from my phone but I'm waiting on more from Melissa.