Monday, February 05, 2007

Shopping & Work

Well, I got the job now I need the cloths. It seems that the typical college attire is not appropriate to work in. I'm planning on going big shopping after my first pay check but that's not in time. My finances are tight at the moment too. In comes my friends. Chris gave me a check so I had some cash to use until payday but Melissa took me out shopping and bought the cloths so I can give the check back to Chris.

We walked around the mall for a bit, thought about Old Navy and went into the Gap. I tried on a pair of pants there but they didn't look right. After we went over to Banana Republic. I spent an hour or so trying on cloths and Melissa would help me decide if they looked right.

After the whole shopping thing I got 2 new pants and 3 new shirts. So I now have more than enough to last till pay day :-) Once pay day comes Jamie, Melissa and myself are gonna go shopping for a few more things I think.

Work has been good so far, two days down and all. First day went well, not much to do really. I met a lot of people and started learning the language I'll be using there. It seams simple enough but has some complex areas. The second day was OK too. I worked on learning the language a bit more and started to fill out forms. I've been sitting in a conference room at the moment. The company is going to be turning the room into an office with two desks for people to work. I'm not sure if I'll stay there or if I'll move into another room and displace someone else to the new area. As for my work schedule, I'm not really sure what it will be in the long run but this week is Tuesday to Saturday. I was kinda expecting the Monday to Friday workweek, but I suppose either will work just fine. Its a job and I really need it :-)

So I'll post more about my new job once I have a bit more to tell, most likely at the end of the week. Hope everyone reading this is doing well.


Van-Go said...

Funny how working sure does take money!

Jennifer said...

J - BR - banana - Banana Republic is my FAVORITE place to shop!! I bet you got great clothes and the sale racks always have GREAT sales! congrats on your first week in corporate world! love!

Anonymous said...

Hey hey there!
Yeah.. BANANA is classy and nice.. by the way... jennifer .. congrats on your ring!

Jennifer said...

thank you!!!! :)