Monday, May 21, 2007

30 Years Old

Well, I'm 30. Not a big deal I guess, but its a new decade of existence. I got phone calls from a bunch of friends and family and got to catch up with them all. I went and saw Shrek the Third too. I would recommend it, very enjoyable. The longest talk I had was with Jamie. It has been a week sense she has been in the Air Force OTS program. It was really good to hear her voice and know she is doing OK. Miss her a lot. Melissa gave me my gift before she left for the week, two very nice new shirts. I miss her too, but she'll be back next weekend so its not to bad. I'm going to see Anastasia tomorrow for dinner. We haven't had a chance to hand out for awhile so I'm looking forward to it. She will be leaving the island in a couple of weeks. Other than that it has been a relaxing weekend.

1 comment:

Van-Go said...

We went to see Shirk also and enjoyed it; some really funny parts that had us belly laughing. Then we popped in to see Georgia something or other and it was good too; more of a drama.