Saturday, May 26, 2007


Jamie just called me for a nice half hour talk before she went to bed. She really is sounding much much better after her second week. It seems she can not check her civilian email or check out my blog so I'll have to send stuff to her military address. I can understand in a way about that policy but it makes it a little harder to keep in touch.

She has been very busy with all the OTS stuff. From what I gather she has the physical training in the morning then lunch and a quick shower. From there she goes to her classes which are leadership related - Team Building, Giving a Briefing, Dealing With Harassment, etc. At night she has a quick dinner and "free" time. That basically equates to laundry, cleaning, chores (cleaning the class rooms), studying, maybe a quick phone call, then sleep. I asked if she got any "me time" or down time or something, the answer... I listen to music while folding cloths. At least its something :-)

I am tremendously proud of Jamie. She is taking a hard situation that many people won't or can't deal with and is making it through. She is taking things week by week and working it out. The first week she was depressed - you could tell it in her voice - this week she is back to her normal self. Its amazing the difference in her voice...

I can't wait to see her again though and it won't be nearly soon enough :-(

1 comment:

Van-Go said...

thanks for the update and glad Jamie is back to normal as one can be in training.