Monday, April 02, 2007

Long Time

Well its been a long time sense I posted anything. The main reason is that my cell phone isn't posting anymore. I'm going to look at why not today, I suspect that blogger changed the email address I have to send it to. The other reason has been work.

The credit union I work with had a smaller one merge with it. That basically meant I put i a few long (12+ hours) days. The good news is that it finished up this past weekend! My part in the whole process was making sure data (name, address, accounts, etc.) was all entered into our system correctly. This was not a very fun process but it worked.

As for the things I've been up to, not much really. I've had a few dinners and hung out a little with friends, but everyone is getting busy. Its longer between visits and dinners but it makes them better when they happen. I saw Melissa a few days before her Birthday (3/31) to give her some gifts I got. She seems to like them. I got her a color pack of sharpies, a sketch book and a teacher lesson planner. I was really bummed that I had to work on her birthday, but from what I heard she had fun, I'll hear about it when we have our next dinner :-)

Jamie is in California for a few more days. She is there to see about the Air Force stuff and for a bit of fun too. It's going to be hard to see her leave the island. I'm looking forward to hearing about the trip and what came out of her meeting with the Air Force people.

Anastasia and I are meeting up this afternoon for lunch and a movie. Its been a few weeks sense we last met up and thats a little to long. Not sure what we will eat or see but it will be good to hang out.

Tara was really nice. See we haven't hung out in a long time and last Monday she took me to the planetarium. It was a really nice surprise. We walked all around the Bishup Museum and saw the show. She is a really good person and fun to hang out with. Unfortunately (for me) she is leaving the island for a few years. She joined the Peace Core and heading to The Gambia.

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