Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Seconds Class Citizen

As a concerned citizen of Honolulu Hawaii i have some questions. I have been stopped twice by the police over the past year in regards to riding my bike. First in Waikiki while on a side walk. I knew the law but was riding on the sidewalk for my own safety. Second in the city of Honolulu for riding on the sidewalk not knowing the law. After being stopped in Waikiki I was told by the officer to ride on the road until I was outside of the limits of Waikiki and then I could resume riding my bike on the sidewalk. This caused the second situation to occur.

I ride on the sidewalk because I am not a motor vehicle. I ride on the sidewalk because I do not have a large amount of steel surrounding my body for protection. I ride the sidewalk because the other vehicles on the road do not consider me road worthy.

Sense the first incident I ride my bike on the road in Waikiki. During this past year I have been side-swiped by 2 city buses, 3 cab and 2 cars that apparently were not paying attention. Luckily in all cases I was not injured beyond busing. This does not count the hundreds of times that I have been cutoff by drivers passing me and making a right turn or by drivers pulling out right in front of me. I decided to lookup the laws today after being stopped for the second time. According to Hawaii Traffic Code 291C-141 to 291C-146 pertain to bikers. Specifically 291C-145(a) says:

"Every person operating a bicycle upon a roadway at a speed less than normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at such time shall ride as near to the right-hand curb, on the edge of the roadway, or the shoulder off the roadway as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction."

So I am a second class citizen with no place to go. The law literally pushing me into the cutter. The law is forcing me to be placed in harm way. So I have to ask myself why the law is the way it is. Well the only thing i can think of is that the government would like to "protect" pedestrians on the sidewalks. Well I have never buzzed by people walking. I have always given walkers the right-of-way as I have more control and speed than them. Its not the law that I have to do this, but it makes sense to me when I ride on the sidewalk. Unfortunately it is the law that I ride in the gutter and unfortunately motor vehicles do not give me the same consideration I have the pedestrians on the sidewalk.

So now my dilemma. I can either ride my bike on the sidewalk and break the law, hoping not to get caught or ride in the gutter and pray I'm not killed by a multi-tun steel encased vehicle. If I do break the law and ride on the sidewalks I can either pay the fine or not and goto court when I get caught.

So my solutions to the situation are as follows:

1) Allow bikers on the sidewalks with laws giving pedestrians the right-of-way
2) Allow bikers in the middle of the lane riding at our much slower speeds
3) Put in bike lanes everywhere on ever road

1 comment:

Van-Go said...

Bike riders are the roads are a danger to traffic and on the sidewalks a danger to walkers. Some bikers are not as polite as you. The best is be safe where ever you decide to ride.