Saturday, September 30, 2006LostI'm at Sunset on the Beach which is a movie shown on a big screen on the beach. Tonight is the premier of the TV show Lost. Its filmed on the island so they show the premier here first then on TV this Wednesday. Friends from work and Jamie should all be coming in a bit, but its already packed! Well Jamie had something come up so she didn't make it and with all the people I didn't see my friends from work. On the other hand did run into some people I knew from school. The show was fun to watch, its a unique experience to watch a movie on the beach like that. I hadn't done it sense I lived in Waikiki. Friday, September 29, 2006The DayI'm waiting outside of Harbor Pub for a dinner with Melissa, Jamie and Molly. We're having a bite to eat then off to a show at Pipeline. Today was filled with run around stuff. I turned in my petition to graduate along with the 120 dollar fee. The school didn't have enough money from all my tuition payments from four years... After that i did some homework for one of my classes. Finally i started looking around the net for information on the GRE which is basically like the SAT but for graduate school. I need to take it in case i want or have to start my masters in the spring. Wednesday, September 27, 2006Sorry
Some of you have been asking where my blog went. Well I tried to update to the new beta blogger and it didn't go real smooth. I'm back to the old system for now. Not much has been missed though. Monday was basically a full day of work. After work I spent some time with Melissa, always a fun experience. :-) Tuesday I had my first meeting for my Software Project class. The project is relatively non-complex. We went over what everyone has done and basically prepared for class tomorrow. After the meeting I met up with Melissa for a bit. We had a good time again. :-) Today I didn't do much, talked with Melissa over the phone for an hour or so and hanging out here at home most of it. As you can tell by this post I happened to find a wireless signal to hop online with. Hope it will be around for awhile :-) The only bad thing is I have to sit outside to get it...
Sunday, September 24, 2006LunchI'm out to a lunch with Anastasia at Cheese Burger in Paradise. She's taking about getting into grad schools and how its not an easy process. Food is here, time to eat :-) Saturday, September 23, 2006An Overdue LunchJamie and I went out to lunch today. Its been a long time sense went out together. I wanted to talk about some things that had been on my mind for awhile. I think the talk went ok and we are at a movie now. I've got to go as jamie is trying to talk to me before it starts :-) Friday, September 22, 2006Melissa's PictureWell, Melissa took her picture too. After all this happened her and I went our separate ways. I have a dinner tonight with Anastasia and Jordan and Melissa is going to a show/concert with some of her friends. My PictureMelissa and I went to get "a" beer. Well that turned in to 4 pluss a shot. :-) it was a good time. After we left the bar at Aloha Towers and we sat outside for a second or two. As we were talking I started to take the above picture but due to me being a little tipsy it took a little time. In that time Melissa started to take a picture too. So here is a picture of Melissa taking a picture of me. :-) Thursday, September 21, 2006School, Work, Life
Sorry I havn't written anything in a few days, well alright, almost a week. Classes have all kicked into high gear now and I was trying to get organized. As this is my last semester I have my final capstone course, Software Project. The course splits the class in to groups of 6 people and each group is given a real world client to work with. We have a project that has to be run as if we were working for the clients (as we are). Needless to say its a little time comsuming.
Work has been relitivly easy, but we are still a little short staffed. Hopfully thats going to be resolved next week after the newhires start. Work is definatly different than during the summer months, the lab is full 90% of the time now. Life is good. Tuesday night I went to Chris's place for our weekly dinner and movie night. Its alot of fun, we are taking turns cooking for each other :-) Last night I went for sushi, for the first time in several years. Its not as bad as I remembered it to be. Thats a good thing :-) I went with Anastasia, Jordan and Melissa to a Rock'n Sushi at Ward. Time to start work... :-/ Friday, September 15, 2006Great Night OutWe are having a fun night out! Just dancing and having a good time all night long. Hope you are too! The day leading up to all this was enjoyable too. Melissa invited me to her place for a bit. We talked and had a few beers. I hadn't eaten all day so I did get a tad tipsy. I lost all that quick after our talk though. Next we went to AlaMoana mall and walked around for a little. Melissa got a letter/sock/mail thing so she needs to find a pair of socks to mail to a person :-) When we were done looking (didn't find a pair yet) we had a bite to eat at one of the places upstairs. Wednesday, September 13, 2006Middle of the WeekAnastasia and i went to dinner tonight at Ryan's. She had Sweet and Sour Chicken and I had Bourbon Chicken. We thought about a movie but don't want to sit still for two hours. Not sure what we are going to do now we both have work go the morning so can't stay out to late. Saturday, September 09, 2006Maze Dinner and FunMelissa was totally awsome today. She came to get me and took me to the Doll (apple) Pineapple Maze. She knew I had not been there before and it was a great time for us. After we went to a restsaunt no the North Shore and both had salmon salad for an early dinner. We both went home for a bit after that. I'm waiting to meet up with her for some fun in Honolulu tonight at a few different things going on go town Thursday, September 07, 2006Poetry SlamSo, I'm at a poetry slam tonight with a bunch ok friends. Not something i thought i would like, but wow, it's alot me fun. I signed up for the emails so i can know about more in the future. They have them every month, from what I here. Everyone is doing great. Both Melissa and Jamie look great and everyone is having fun. Its a good night all around. 2nd Day of Classes
I have a small break between my classes right now so I though I'd write a quick post to catch everyone up. Tuesday was my first day back to school, so to speak. I had Multimedia communications in the early afternoon and Astronomy in the early evening. Both classes were relatively uneventful. Everyone go the syllabus for the semester and we talked about it. After that was done we got out a little early.
Yesterday I had no class, just work. The day was not so exciting till early afternoon. A student was breaking a few of the lab policies. I had asked him to leave about 3 times. Being a not so corporative person I called security on him. He ended up causing issues with the security guard too. If a full time staff hadn't come back the cops would have been called as a next step. The full time staff got a copy of the policy and the kid had to go... He is trying to pull some crap now about me not liking him and wanting to get me in trouble... What crap I have to put up with every now and then... To make things just a bit more interesting this kid is in a few of my classes. Today is a little nicer. I had work in the morning and just finished my first class. I have two more tonight, Astronomy and Software Project. The first will be fun but I'm not really sure what the last class is going to be like. From what I've heard from other people is it can be really easy or really hard depending on the project the group gets. I'll let you know more about it what I know. Its the final course I have to pass to graduate, so no pressure... Sunday, September 03, 2006Saturday, September 02, 2006Detox FunBlack Square is setting up for the last act of the night. Melissa, Anastasia, Vic, myself and some others went to First Friday and came to Detox for the end me the night... As always Melissa is beautiful and her, I and everyone else are dancing and having a great time. First Friday went nice this moth too. We all managed to talk around some of the galleries to see the art work. Most of the time we actually miss most of the galleries cause they all close at 9pm. There was one what was showing some nice black and white, timelaps photos from around the islands, they were all very nice. All in all it was a nice Friday night out. Friday, September 01, 2006Time For A Hair CutUmmm..... My roommate decided to have fun too. The end result was interesting with the hair gel and his "styling", time for a shower and Melissa and I are off to skate :-)
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