Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Some of you have been asking where my blog went. Well I tried to update to the new beta blogger and it didn't go real smooth. I'm back to the old system for now. Not much has been missed though. Monday was basically a full day of work. After work I spent some time with Melissa, always a fun experience. :-) Tuesday I had my first meeting for my Software Project class. The project is relatively non-complex. We went over what everyone has done and basically prepared for class tomorrow. After the meeting I met up with Melissa for a bit. We had a good time again. :-) Today I didn't do much, talked with Melissa over the phone for an hour or so and hanging out here at home most of it. As you can tell by this post I happened to find a wireless signal to hop online with. Hope it will be around for awhile :-) The only bad thing is I have to sit outside to get it...

1 comment:

Van-Go said...

Better than driving around looking for a hit; we spent about half an hour trying to on!