Thursday, September 21, 2006

School, Work, Life

Sorry I havn't written anything in a few days, well alright, almost a week. Classes have all kicked into high gear now and I was trying to get organized. As this is my last semester I have my final capstone course, Software Project. The course splits the class in to groups of 6 people and each group is given a real world client to work with. We have a project that has to be run as if we were working for the clients (as we are). Needless to say its a little time comsuming.

Work has been relitivly easy, but we are still a little short staffed. Hopfully thats going to be resolved next week after the newhires start. Work is definatly different than during the summer months, the lab is full 90% of the time now.

Life is good. Tuesday night I went to Chris's place for our weekly dinner and movie night. Its alot of fun, we are taking turns cooking for each other :-) Last night I went for sushi, for the first time in several years. Its not as bad as I remembered it to be. Thats a good thing :-) I went with Anastasia, Jordan and Melissa to a Rock'n Sushi at Ward.

Time to start work... :-/


Van-Go said...

Sushi is the best!!

Anonymous said...

ohhh yeahh sushi is one of the beautiful things of japan.. ha ha .. I AGREE!!