Sunday, July 30, 2006

95% Better

I'm waiting around having a coffee before I have to open up the lab. I feel so much better today. I can swallow without a ton of pain and the aches are just about all gone. Being sick is one of the worst feelings I know. It would have been a nightmare if I didn't have some friends stop by.

I have to thank Melissa for bringing me medication and soups. It was a busy day but she managed to spend some time with me. It was very nice and I can't thank her enough. Anastasia deserves a thank you too. She came over with hot tea and honey and a full box of teas for me. She and I were able to catch up a bit. With both visits I wasn't doing much talking but it was very nice of both of them.

This coming week is a short one (17 hours) so I'm hoping to catch up on things with all my friends. I want to see a few movies and have a few dinners. Anastasia, Jamie, and Melissa had all invited me to the movies and or dinner over the last week and I feel bad that I had to decline. Now that I'm soon to be all better I will have to invite them all out :-)


Anonymous said...

hey glad u could feel better... you brought me tons of soups and meds too so that the least I could do chico! I am glad you are better!

Van-Go said...

Did you get a box in the mail from the burg?